Celebrating 250 Episodes of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast using my own approach to productivity!


I'm thrilled to share that the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast has just hit a major milestone: 250 episodes! This milestone is rare with only the top 3% of podcasters reaching this point, and I am so proud and excited to have done so! Through the podcast, I've been able to share my message of compassionate, shame-free productivity with thousands of listeners around the world. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you who has joined me on this journey.

It's surreal to think about how I got here, and as I reflect on the podcast's growth, I can see how my own approach to "shame-free productivity" has helped me. I’ve been "walking my own talk" and this is proof that it works!

It’s easy to buy into the relentless "hustle and grind" mentality, pushing ourselves to the brink of burnout in pursuit of our goals. But I've learned that forcing instead of finessing is not only not sustainable and hurtful to our well-being, it can actually undermine our productivity in the long run.

This is why I focus on a more holistic, person-first approach to productivity. It's about honoring our needs, celebrating small wins, and giving ourselves grace when life gets in the way. It's about creating systems that energize us, not drain us.

If you're ready to ditch the shame and self-criticism, and start embracing a more compassionate, sustainable way of working, I encourage you to check out the podcast and specifically episode 250 for a better understanding of why shame-free productivity is actually the preferred approach. I also welcome you to stay connected as we explore these principles in the next 250 episodes and I share them there!

Wish you a more joyful, fulfilling path to productivity.


P.S. If you’d like to help me celebrate this milestone, there are a few really easy ways to do it. 1) REVIEW/RATE: Please consider leaving a review on Apple podcasts or a rating on Spotify. Directions for how to do that can be found HERE. 2) SHARE ON SOCIALS: You can also share my celebration post in your stories on IG and/or to THREADS. Or you can share to FB or post a screenshot of a favorite episode anywhere! Any of these things would be a gift to me and help others discover the show.

How can you be compassionate while still achieving your goals? Let's map that out in a strategy session. This is where we inventory it all and set a plan that feels authentic and actionable. Because you're a VIP you have a discount below. But if you're a caregiver, you get an even bigger discount. Message me if you'd like details.



Personalized Strategy Session

In this 2-hour immersive session, you create a foundation for your habits and systems, boost the effectiveness of other... Read more

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