Reader I'm thrilled to share that the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast has just hit a major milestone: 250 episodes! This milestone is rare with only the top 3% of podcasters reaching this point, and I am so proud and excited to have done so! Through the podcast, I've been able to share my message of compassionate, shame-free productivity with thousands of listeners around the world. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you who has joined me on this journey. It's surreal to think about how I...
8 days ago • 2 min read
Reader Are you feeling drained and struggling to stay productive, despite scheduling and making lists and doing all the time management things you’re supposed to do? The key may lie in managing your energy levels, not just your time. As a holistic productivity coach, I've seen how our overall well-being impacts our ability to be productive. That's why I believe energy management is more important than time management for sustainable productivity, especially for those facing challenges like...
16 days ago • 2 min read
Reader Happy Valentine’s day! I love the timing of a day focused on love to talk about light as well. They go together so brilliantly–“love + light”--and I know how much they impact how we live and how productive we are. When I talk about finding the light, I don’t mean the “just look on the bright side" or "stay positive" platitudes that toe the line of toxic positivity and do more harm than good. As a coach, I encourage my clients to acknowledge pain and process emotions while using a...
22 days ago • 2 min read
Reader Have you ever gone through your day just putting out fires and running on a hamster wheel where you don't even know how you got there or how to stop? That's reactive action and too often we live our lives in a reactive state because we’re just trying to get by. We're surviving, which is essential, but we're rarely productive. We’re taught to hustle and grind to get things done and that to be productive means to go-go-go. Then, when we struggle and ask for help, we are given traditional...
29 days ago • 1 min read
Reader Are you feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? I get it. Even with years of experience as a professional organizer, I’m still fighting the good fight in my home thanks to kids and cats...but at least my office is doing alright! (Curious? Here are pix.) It’s natural for clutter to be a challenge. We get busy. We collect stuff. We get overwhelmed. It happens to all of us, including me. The good news is, I know how to fix it in a way that’s straightforward and sustainable. I’m...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Reader Here we are mid-way through January (that happened fast!) and if you’re following the trends, then you are either decluttering or thinking about decluttering. I'm a fan of this trend not only because of what I coach, but because it’s one that makes sense after the downshift of the holiday season plus it fits with the freshness of the new year. We are ready to “get back to it” and to “make things happen” and our environment needs to be conducive to those goals. As a productivity coach...
about 2 months ago • 3 min read
Reader While this is the time of preparing for and attending holiday celebrations and finishing up work, I encourage you to carve out some time to appreciate this past year and prep for the next. The turning of the calendar lends itself to pausing and preparing. It’s not only a time to celebrate the holidays, but also to celebrate who we are and where we’re going. These four strategic and specific actions, done before the end of the year, can set you up for a successful and fulfilling new...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Reader As we approach the new year, you may be thinking about goals, resolutions, and how to make 2025 your best year yet. Or, if you're like me, you’re just trying to get through the holidays, and then you'll get serious soon enough about those plans, which may involve a scramble at year end. Both are valid approaches, though what isn't ideal is the belief that you must have detailed plans and resolutions for your year to be successful. I have a trick I’ve been using for over a decade that...
3 months ago • 1 min read
Reader As a productivity coach, I'm constantly exploring new ways to help my clients achieve their goals and unlock their full potential, whether it’s working with me or not. I know what it’s like to have limited resources and to need to make a change, so it’s part of my mission to provide accessible packages and lots of free resources. This time of year isn't only a season for celebrating, it's one of reflection and planning, and the art of self-coaching can be incredibly helpful for doing...
3 months ago • 2 min read