Overcome overwhelm with these practical (and doable) strategies!


No matter what we do, or how much we juggle, overwhelm is something we all face and helping you overcome it is something I love to do!

This week, I answered questions from listeners on the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast that all relate in different ways to overwhelm and offered several practical strategies. Here's a summary:

  • Energy Management - Treat overwhelm like a power outage. Focus only on the absolute essentials and defer everything else temporarily so you can maximize the energy you do have. This "quick release valve" approach can help you regain your footing so you can rebuild without the burnout.
  • Mind Sweeping - You want to get everything out of your head and onto paper (or digital notes). This allows you to review, declutter, and prioritize in a calmer state of mind. Message me if you need access to my resources for this.
  • Caution When Learning New Systems - Avoid the temptation to constantly switch between new tools and platforms. Start simple, collaborate with experienced users, and give the system time to become a habit.
  • Dealing with Extreme Overwhelm - When the overwhelm is beyond the norm, you may want to seek professional support, especially if depression is a factor. Use techniques that calm your nervous system, but first and foremost, find ways to drastically reduce your demands.

The common thread is approaching overwhelm with self-compassion. We all face these challenges, and having the right strategies can make all the difference.

If you're feeling buried under the weight of too much, I encourage you to listen to the episode and to try these practical tips. Now is an excellent time to address your overwhelm as we head into a holiday season that often exacerbates it.

And remember, you don't have to go it alone - reach out for support when you need it. Simply hit reply, send a DM, or book a free consult. I'm happy to chat.

Here's to a season of less stress and more joy,


Productivity Coaching is one of the quickest ways to overcome overwhelm so you can confidently take action.



Quickstart Coaching Session

Taking action reduces anxiety. This fast and effective one-time session is a low-risk way to move past the overwhelm and... Read more

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Check out the resources I offer below and request my Toolkit to reduce overwhelm, boost energy, and align your actions with your values!

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